Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gardening on the Fly

It's happening again. While my brother has built two more raised beds and used a handy online planner to help layout his garden, and another friend is preparing what will be a killer urban garden in plastic tubs, I am once again... winging it.

I started my onions and broccoli indoor according to schedule, but I have done nothing with that plot of grass out back that is supposed to be my garden. In my defense, the weather has gone from extreme winter to spring in a millisecond, and I have spent the last week and a half being sick and taking care of sick children. Although we had several days of glorious weather, I had to spend them inside.

This week, my plan says I am supposed to be planting peas and spinach outside. So, today, ignoring the mucus in my lungs and the pouring rain, I wandered outside to the fairly weed-free plot where tomatoes grew last year, and, with a stick, drew two lines in the mud and dropped in some peas.
The spinach will have to wait. Maybe even until next year.


Sal Ring said...

Ohh c'mon now. Buck up there! Give it a few months and a little sunshine, and we know your sprawling garden will be the envy of these urban-agriculturalists. ;)

Al said...

I'm with Sal... I am imagining my pre-planned urban bins with one or two spindly weeds and your mud stick scratch blooming with loads of foliage and veggies.
We will just have to see :-)