Monday, July 9, 2007

I had a weekend away with no children and nothing on my agenda. In spite of Joe crying half the morning (Mom, I know you hid my pacifier - where is it - I need it), I have a renewed sense of calm, and feel like I can do this mom thing for a while again without freaking out. At least until Friday.

I do like my kids. They are pretty cool so far. I'm a little worried about Joe, though. When Finley was his age I was able to focus when I needed to discipline and guide her. It's not so easy with Joe. I'm far more distracted so that he gets things his way a bit more than I'd like.

Coming back after a few days away let me see my children with fresh eyes. Finley is so much more of a growing little girl than I give her credit for. Her thought processes are maturing, and I need to be careful not to treat her like a toddler that just needs ordering around. Joe is really starting to figure things out. Even though he can't say three words so that a non-mom could understand him, he can communicate what he wants. This morning, he opened up the cupboard, put his hand on the toaster oven, and started whining. (Mom, I need a bagel.)


Lori said...

I started out this morning like you did this time last week. I'm so glad you feel refreshed. Your kids are so beyond pretty cool. Your whole family ranks up there with "weekends away from it all."

Anonymous said...

what darling pictures...makes a gramma "burst her buttons"!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I think you "dun good" w/the Knight spawn. They are fabulous, mostly happy, curious, intelligent youngins. They get my mark. But then, so do the parents! Leilani