Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Saturday to Me

This morning, after the obligatory grocery run, I managed to leave two of my kids at home with my husband and go out for coffee with my good friend, Christi. It was nice to have an adult conversation with an adult other than my husband, discussing one of my latest reads (Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card) and some random philosophical/theological musings.

When I got home, Chris had already fed the kids lunch, and as the kids were happily occupied outside (edging the rest of the garden), I was able to fix myself lunch without so much as one interruption. It was amazing.

When Chris took Fin and Joe with him in the minivan to his mom's house, I snagged the truck to do some shopping. There is something about driving our (it was mine before we got married, but now I have to share) eight cylinder, manual transmission, long-bed Chevy pick-up that makes me grin ear-to-ear.

Z and I went to REI, where I bought a new pair of shoes. After four years, my Simples look sad, and were starting to make my feet hurt, so they are being replaced by a pair of Keen Presidios. The reviews for these shoes are stellar, so I am fairly sure I won't be disappointed.

Next, we stopped to pick up a new earring. I needed a smaller gauge to fit in my upper ear. They were able to use the little green, stone ball from my old earring in the new one. I was ecstatic.

Now Z and I are back home, enjoying a peaceful house. (sigh) What a good day.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a wonderful productive day!...You deserve it, my sweet girl...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a GREAT day! Tell Christy I said hi!