Monday, February 23, 2009

Settling In

I am resigning myself to the fact that we will probably still be here for a while. We are starting (again) to make decisions regarding our property, not based on what will cause it to sell, but on what we want it to be while we are here.

This weekend, Chris put the finishing touches on a white oak countertop in the basement near the washer and dryer. I folded laundry on it this morning. Chris got a good deal on some raw lumber, and we are incredibly fortunate to have a fine craftsman in the family that builds stuff for us (thanks, Louie). He is currently working on building a stand out of the oak for the 55 gallon fish tank we bought off craigslist. My two goldfish will be thrilled to finally have a larger home.

We have decided to fence in a section of the yard. With stray dogs roaming the neighborhood, pooping in my garden, and terrorizing my children, it will be nice to have a bit more peace of mind. And I won't have to worry about Zivah wandering off when she starts toddling around. Chris is going to pick up some chain link fencing he found on craigslist this afternoon. We are going to put up a picket fence next to the house facing the street, so our yard won't look so ghetto will look nice from the street.

There is even talk of building a chicken coop. That's right. Raising poultry is legal inside the city limits here. I don't think we'll get a rooster, though. I don't want the neighbors to hate us entirely.

This weekend, I also built a little raised bed in the garden out of some old clay block we had stacked on the backside of the garage. I figured I could plants carrots in it. We might use the rest of the brick and block odds and ends to build a raised bed on the back of the garage... It might look a little crazy, but it would be nice to do something with the material to get it out of the way and have something useful at the same time.

I started some seeds on Friday, and was surprised last night to see the broccoli sprouting already. I had no idea they came up that fast.

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