Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is It Here Already?

A week and a half ago, I spied some daffodils poking up through the earth. I would have been excited about it, but I felt like it was too early to see them. Yesterday, I saw a bunch of daffs in full bloom. Today, mine are almost ready to show. It is the sort of day where the clouds race through the sky. One minute, I am warmed by the sun, the next, a breeze deepens the chill of a cloud. There are moments full of fat raindrops falling.

As I suck down a warming bowl of split pea and ham soup, I don't feel ready for spring. (Am I crazy?) Perhaps it is because it always seems to happen so fast. My baby is growing, and before I know it, she will be crawling around in the grass while we sweat in the southern heat of summer. Slow down, I say. Let me cozy up with my baby for a few more months, her body helping to stave off the chill. Give me a few more months before the heat will take away the need to snuggle.

Oh well.

I had been trying my hand at sourdough bread-making. Something about a thick slice of homemade bread with cheese toasted on top... The first batch was wonderful, but apparently, I am not so good at keeping my starter alive. Somehow, even with regular feedings, it lost its bubble and quit rising on me. I may have to resort to making a fresh batch of starter before every baking, but that feels like I'm cheating.

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