Monday, March 26, 2007

Joe's Favorite Toy

If you are the parent or guardian of a 1 or 2 year old, and don't have this toy, well...

Joe makes a beeline for these as soon as he sees them, tears them off the base, grabs two of them, and tromps around the house as if some big monster, smashing whatever is in his way with his big front 'paws.'

Finley is in the bracelet stage, and I am surprised every time she manages to get the red one over her hand. I'm just waiting for the moment I need to pull out soap or butter to get it off.

I play peek-a-boo through one of them with Joe to keep him still on the changing table (which is a very difficult thing to do).

And when I am at the peak of desperation because nothing seems to interest the kids and I am exhausted and can't read another book or run around the house or answer anymore questions or... I just pull these gems out and spin them on the hardwood floor for the kids. They just sit transfixed and watch those things spin over and over and over again. Not to mention the satifaction I can get from getting all five of them spinning at once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about creative! I never thought to spin those things! I think the old version had 1 more ring though.....I wonder if you could have gotten 6 spinning?!