Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Poor Kid...

Looks innocent enough, doesn't it?

My husband had the bright idea of sharing a chocolate chip cookie with Joe when he got home from work. Did he ask me if it was a good idea to give my not-quite-one-year-old a sugary snack? No, he did not.

A few hours later, I was changing Joe. I unfastened his diaper to reveal angry, red, bumpy skin. Sides, stomach, armpits, back, neck: all red. Runny nose. Itchy eyes and ears.

I hauled him over to my neighbor, our surrogate grandmother. She asked me if he had eaten anything different, and told me that her son couldn't eat egg yolks as a small child. And it dawned on me.

Chris is currently experiencing remorse.


Anonymous said...

oh man...

Anonymous said...

Scary...now to determine just what ingredient was the cause....