Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Things

1. I cut a few iris flowers to grace the kitchen window. Every time the wind blows through the window, it carries the sweet fragrance of iris in with it.

2. Last night, Joe leaned across the table, patted my head, and said, 'Pu-heh?'
Not understanding exactly what he said, I replied, 'Yes, hair.' So he pulled my hair.
'Ouch!' I said, 'No, Joe, No!'
'Sorry, Mom, sorry,' he said and gave me a kiss.

3. Chris was telling me about his friends and their kids who eat whatever and whenever they like and never sit down as a family to eat supper. If they are in the car, and one of them asks for McDonald's, they pull over and get whatever the child wants. The little boy's favorite food is McNuggets. Finley interrupted the conversation, asking, 'Do you know the McDonald song? I do!' Chris and I looked at each other in confusion until she started singing, 'Old McDonald had a farm...'

4. Coffee. During the first trimester, my body rejected coffee. It didn't taste very good to me, and I felt awful if I tried to drink it. Thankfully, I am over that phase, and sucking down a cup or three in the mornings is one of my favorite things once more.

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