Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random Thought Post

My sister-in-law sent a link to one of those political 'what-are-you' quizzes , and come to find out, my views didn't line up with any of the candidates. In fact, the most my ideas matched with any one candidate was 43%. How could I vote for some one I can't agree with even half the time? In spite of my lack of enthusiasm, we went as a family yesterday and voted. At least I could go vote against the senators and reps that I thought should no longer be in office.

Today, I decided I'm not doing so badly in the parenting category. I met a lady who was frazzled because her 2 and 4 year old children wanted hot chocolate, and she felt obliged to cater to their whim. Children are not meant to run your lives, people. It is okay to say 'no.'

I am also amused by people who participate in CSA's, but won't let their child eat something that has fallen into regular dirt or grass. 'Ooo. That's icky!' I guess they don't realize that a little dirt in one's diet can help strengthen the immune system.

I really like I use it frequently.

This morning, Chris was up at 3:30 am to go to Knoxville. As he was leaving at 3:45, I was up nursing Z. He told me that he was going to reset the alarm and I could shut it off in the morning. I could not, for the life of me, understand why he would reset his alarm (which normally goes off at 5:30) and force me to get up then. I got really frustrated. 'Why do you have to reset the alarm?'
'You don't get it, do you?' he asked, getting frustrated with me.
'No, I don't.'
It took a minute before it dawned on me that he was talking about the burglary alarm.


Shyla said...

I really liked the part about the CSA food and dirt phobia. My sister (first time mom) has a little gadget in her diaper bag that you can put a pacifier *into* and spray with sanitizer if it gets dropped. The other day when she was over, Haven picked up a cup of milk off the floor and she said, "Is that okay for him to drink, is it old?" I said, "I don't know, we'll find out, though." You should have seen the look on her face...priceless :o)

Ambra said...

I just took the political quiz, even though I already voted... 48% of my answers lined up w/ Chuck Baldwin, who is actually who I voted for, 38% McCain, and a whopping 15% for Obama. The quiz results were pretty accurate for me! :-)